Monday, February 8, 2010

End of the Book

Wow, I am just awestruck by how well "Why Architecture Matters," was written. I am also amazed at how well Paul Goldberger crafts the thoughts and beliefs about architecture that I happen to have stuck in my head. I often wonder what is the right critique about developments that disturb me, he sums it up like this, "Indeed, the truly defining characteristic of this time might be said to be the privatization of the public realm, and it has come to affect our culture's very notions of urbanism." Then this, "They (developments, etc.) exist to exclude, whereas traditional cities existed to include or at least had the effect of inclusion." This is very noticeable when major snow events happen in this area, cities and their denizens work together to help neighbors, suburbanites dig out only their walks, cars, and relegated spaces. I am not complaining, just observing, wanting to change the future of growth in our county, state, nation, and planet.

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