Monday, January 31, 2011


People love options. I love to make sure that when design or choice occur, that they are custom, exactly what a client wants. Reading magazines with "customized" plans for sale is like having your favorite musician sing you happy birthday, but it really isn't for you, it is for the hundreds or thousands of others with the same name and just spliced in by a techie behind a sound board. My approach to architecture is to not sell just one or two plans and swipe out a dormer or bay window to make a pre-designed plan "custom." Custom means the design is unique, but can still be influenced by previous designs or building techniques. Strive to match the individuality we own in as many facets of your life as possible! Architecture is a great way to say who you are.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Psychology of architecture

I think there is an undefined "flock" mentality of architecture in the United States. For a country that has prided itself on breaking boundaries and creating new technology and lifestyles, architecture by and large, has stayed to the reasoning of if the neighbor has it, then I want the same. If you know of any books to read about this concept, please pass along the titles so that I can figure a way to capture a new market.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ready for the new build cycle!

This is an article that should pave the way for more responsible building in the next wave! Smaller, greener, and thoughtful.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Radio Show

Announcing my Radio Show on WCHE 1520 AM on Tuesday, January 18th at 3:00pm! Speaking on several issues relating to residential architecture in the 21st century. Any requests for topics?

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Good news from 2010! Four times as many projects in 2010 as the previous year. 2011 has much promise as I have been talking to many clients about repeat business. Evaluating goals for 2011 and thinking about some options for photo journeys this year. Here is to a great start to my third year in business!